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5 Ways to Improve Your Home’s Curb Appeal

From first dates to job interviews, first impressions are crucial. When it comes to selling your property, the first impression, sometimes known as curb appeal, is important. In fact, a 2020 study conducted by the University of Texas at Arlington and published in The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics found that curb appeal can account for up to 7% of a home’s selling price. This is why it’s critical to present your home in the best light possible.

What does “curb appeal” mean?

Curb appeal refers to how your home seems from the exterior or from the street, and how appealing it is to everyone who visits or drives by. To evaluate your home’s curb appeal, look at it from the perspective of a first-time visitor. Curb appeal is influenced by the color and condition of your home’s exterior, as well as the landscaping and overall property maintenance.

Could your home use a little more curb appeal? Your home’s outside is like a book’s cover, setting the tone for what’s within. And, whether you’re looking to sell or just want to make some renovations for yourself, adding curb appeal is generally a simple and inexpensive method to make your home seem prettier and increase its value. Our home renovation experts have gathered few ways to make your curb look appealing: 

1. Go green:

One of the most obvious (and effective) methods to improve curb appeal is to add fresh foliage and flowers. Don’t worry if you don’t have the time or money to invest in a garden; you may achieve the same effect by adding planters and window boxes. Use plants to accentuate and frame key visual areas such as windows and entryways, and if you don’t have enough space for a standing planter, hang one. Even a single attractive plant arrangement can drastically improve the appeal of your home’s exterior.

2.Maintain your lawn:

While we’re on the subject of green thumbs, it’s worth noting that lawn care plays a crucial role in maintaining curb appeal. Mow your lawn on a regular basis, rake leaves, and pull weeds. Keep it well-watered to avoid brown blotches. Lawn maintenance will not become a major undertaking if you maintain a consistent routine. Do you live in a dry climate where grass struggles to grow? Consider lawn alternatives such as shrub beds or artificial turf.

3.Let there be light:

A dark entryway does not make you feel welcome. If you already have a sconce or hanging pendant by your front door, replace it with something more exciting and modern. Remove all cobwebs and debris around outdoor light fixtures to make the environment appear brighter and cleaner. If you need more light, install some porch string lights or use solar-powered lanterns to illuminate a walkway.

4.Embrace symmetry:

Symmetrical designs provide visually appealing focus points and instantly improve the appearance of your home. Create the appearance by placing similar wall lanterns or plants on either side of your entrance door. If you don’t have enough area in your foyer, do the same thing around your garage door.

5.Use outdoor furniture wisely:

Too much outdoor furniture can overcrowd your home’s appearance, while too little might make it appear sparse or neglected. Try to strike a decent balance in the center, and make sure that all of your outdoor furniture is clean and in good shape. For tiny yards, consider installing basic ceramic stools for seating and adding some added elegance by setting up a small table with a beautiful planter on top.

Giving your house a curb appeal boost can be done in a single day or weekend if you plan ahead and prioritize the repairs that will make a significant difference. Chances are, your home renovation already has many wonderful pieces that just need a few finishing touches to look their best. Put forth some time and effort, and you’ll be amazed at the outcomes.

Etlad Construction

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